Monday October 15, 2018 (Watson Hall, room 517, 3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.)
Barbara Herman (UCLA School of Law)
Professor Barbara Herman has appointments in both the law and philosophy departments at UCLA. She is the Griffin Professor of Philosophy at the UCLA Department of Philosophy and is teaching in the new Law and Philosophy Specialization at the law school. She teaches and writes on moral philosophy, Kant's ethics, and the history of ethics, as well as social and political philosophy. She has published widely in moral philosophy, including The Practice of Moral Judgment, (Harvard University Press, 1993); "The Scope of Moral Requirement," Philosophy and Public Affairs, Summer 2001; "Rethinking Kant's Hedonism," in Facts and Values: Essays for Judith Thomson, eds. R. Stalnaker, R. Wedgwood, & A. Byrne (MIT Press, 2001); and "Morality and Everyday Life," in Proceedings of the American Philosophical Association, Nov. 2000.