Fudan University is in Shanghai, China's largest city and commercial/financial center. The history of the School of Law can be traced back to the late 1920s, and it is now one of the leading institutions for legal education in China. The School of Law has very strong programs in business and financial law, and close links with leading law schools around the world. Exchange students may select from the elective courses offered each year in English.
In 2010, Fudan University School of Law launched the LLM Program in Chinese Business Law for foreign lawyers, executives, students, and professionals engaging in international trade and/or interested in Chinese business and financial law. The language of instruction in the LLM program is English.
Exchange students from Queen’s may enroll in courses in the LLM program in Chinese Business Law as well as in undergraduate courses. Each student will need to consult with the Fudan administration regarding the number of LL.M. courses in which he or she may enrol. A Queen’s student who successfully completes courses in Fudan’s LLM program and who subsequently enrols in the LLM program at Fudan as a fee-paying degree student will have the courses completed at Fudan on exchange count for credit towards the LLM from Fudan. Such students must still satisfy all the application and other requirements of the Graduate School of Fudan, and must consult with the Fudan administration about fees payable for the LLM program.
Sessional Dates
- First Semester: August to January (students may be able to complete all requirements by the end of December).
- Second Semester: February to June. Note: Students who attend in the second semester will not be able to convocate in the spring.
Full-time Course Load
Exchange students at Fudan typically take about four courses, depending on the mix of undergraduate and LL.M. courses.