Dean Bill Flanagan (2nd right) with graduates at Queen’s Law’s first-ever alumni reception in Montreal on Nov. 10 (Photo by Viki Andrevska)
Dean Bill Flanagan (2nd right) with graduates at Queen’s Law’s first-ever alumni reception in Montreal on Nov. 10 (Photo by Viki Andrevska)

November 10 marked a Queen’s Law first: Quebec-based alumni gathered in Montreal to celebrate their alma mater. The office of Clyde & Co Canada LLP, located in the city’s central business district, was the venue for the cheerful occasion. 

“I really enjoyed my experience at Queen’s Law!” exclaimed Robert Emblem, Law’90, event host and a partner at the sponsoring firm. “I got a solid legal education at Queen’s and I’m very proud to support the school.”

Alumni from across the province enjoyed good company, catching up with old friends and meeting new ones at the cocktail reception. 

Many in attendance were graduates of the school’s Civil Law/Common Law Joint Degree Program. In the program, students with civil law degrees from the University of Sherbrooke and other Quebec law schools can earn a common law degree after one year of studies at Queen’s. 

This is a program Dean Bill Flanagan wants to expand. “Our school’s Civil Law/Common Law program has been a huge success,” he told the enthusiastic crowd. “We are delighted to welcome civil law graduates from all Quebec law schools to come and study common law at Queen’s.” 

The inaugural Montreal reception will be the first of many. “We have a great group of graduates here,” said Dean Flanagan. “Our school is thriving and this is very much a result of the support of our alumni. I look forward to returning to Quebec for many more events.”

By Lisa Graham


Montreal reception

 Montreal reception Montreal reception 

Montreal reception Montreal reception 

montreal reception